Galleries · Maine · Roadside Attractions · Stores · Uncategorized

The Turtle Gallery – Deer Isle Maine

And finally, after a good night sleep I can tell you about the third place I visited in Deer Isle – the Turtle Gallery. Again, it just happened to be en route so I decided to stop in and see what it was about. I had noticed this little coastal village seems to have a lot of… Continue reading The Turtle Gallery – Deer Isle Maine

Maine · Roadside Attractions · Stores · Uncategorized

Nervous Nellie’s Jams and Jellies – Deer Isle Maine

This was possibly the most bizarre destination I have ever ended up at. It’d been suggested by several people, and of course the Internet, but no one had much to say about it, just that I needed to go. On this particular occasion I ended up with quite a carload, my mother, a cousin, and… Continue reading Nervous Nellie’s Jams and Jellies – Deer Isle Maine

Hiking Trail · Historical Landmarks · New Hampshire · Parks · Quarries · Roadside Attractions · Uncategorized

Sculpture Garden at The Andrea’s Institute for Art – Brookline NH

About a week ago I was asked to do a group trip, which I am not adverse to, that would be somewhat local and appropriate to bring a four year old. So I thought the sculpture garden in Brookline might be the ticket. I had heard there were all sorts of large sculptures nestled in… Continue reading Sculpture Garden at The Andrea’s Institute for Art – Brookline NH